I don’t know about you but I REALLY seem to have a hard time staying consistent with my daily water intake.. I go through my phases where I am really good at it.. I even figured out that I get it down more often and easier with the use of my Swell bottle so it’s cold! However I always fall back into my old habits of just not drinking enough.. some days none at all if you can even believe that!
Of course I know all of the benefits health wise of why I should be drinking water and I coach to the importance of this as well.. but as you know, sometimes we are really good at taking care of everyone else and we come last. Where I seem to succeed is through knowing I have an accountability partner and now the good news is that’s ALL OF YOU! As much as I hope to help YOU on your journey, YOU will be a support system to me as well so thank you!
Being dehydrated causes so many issues that we don’t even realize.. weight gain, headaches, fatigue, digestion issues, skin problems.. the list goes on and on.
This week I challenge you to start really paying attention to how much water you really take in.. if you are a soda drinker or drink anything with flavors and or sugars, try to crowd those things out drinking LESS of them and add in MORE water. I am not asking you to give anything up as of now.. just add in more water.. Keep a journal of how you feel now and how you start to feel as you add more of this into your day!
Would love to hear from you on how you are doing with this and I will share as well here as well as through social media pages! Looking forward to staying hydrated with you! #drinkmorewater #12stepstobetterhealth #IINhealthcoach #gracefullybalancedhealth #accountabilitypartner